Thinking Technical Objects as Epistemological Details
ENS – 29 rue d’Ulm, 3e étage, République des savoirs, salle de séminaire Cavaillès – November 18-19, 2024
Programme :
Monday, November 18, 2024
9.00-9.15. Introduction by the organizers
9.20-12.15. Session 1. Objects of technological knowledge
9.20-10.10. CHAMAYOU, Grégoire (CNRS, République des Savoirs)
“Looking under the Colonial Helmet’’
10.15-11.05. POTTIN, Ange (University of Vienna, ERC Project INNORES)
“The Forgotten and the Unexpected: Nuclear Decommissioning as an Epistemic Problem”
11.10-11.25: Break
11.25-12.15: MARŠÁLEK, Jan (Czech Academy of Sciences, Centre for Science, Technology and Society Studies)
“The Hazards of Embodiment: how Scientific Hypotheses Transformed into Technical Objects Degrade (Without Telling Anyone). The Anti-Covid Crosswalk Buttons Case”
12.15-13.45: Lunch
13.45-15.30: Session 2. Exploratory Objects
13.45-14.35: KONOPÁSEK, Zdeněk (Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University of Prague)
“Analytic Software as a ‘Research Tool’: Revisiting the Epistemology of Qualitative Social Sciences’’
14.40-15.30: DUCOURANT, Sam (Université de Liège, HACAB),
“Chicken Cages: Technical Objects for Separating Metabolism and Milieu, or Epistemological Details for Creating an Animal Model?”
15.30-15.45: Break
15.45-17.30: Session 3. STS in Perspective
15.45-16.35: FABRY, Lucie (Université de Bourgogne, LIR3S),
“Bruno Latour and Constructivism: from Laboratory Life to Aramis, from the Philosophy of Science to the Philosophy of Technology”
16.40-17.20: TYMPAS, Aristotle (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of History and Philosophy of Science)
“On Machines, Mechanisms, Tools, Instruments, Devices and Artifacts: Definition Struggles, from Karl Marx to Louis Althusser and from Leo Marx to Bruno Latour”
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
9.00-11.50. Session 4. Technological Knowledge, Knowledge through Technology?
9.00-9.50: LE ROUX, Ronan (Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, LIS)
“‘Technique interscientifique’, Generic Instruments, Inverse Invention. A Convergence of Epistemology, Philosophy of Technology, and Sociology of Science”
9.55-10.45: HADWIGER ZÁMEČNIK, Lukáš (Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Arts)
“The Shaping of Scientific Theory through Technical Innovations: a Case Study of Self-Regulating Devices”
10.45-11.00: Break
11.00-11.50: GUCHET, Xavier (Université de Technologie de Compiègne, COSTECH)
“Technology as Approximate Knowledge (connaissance approchée)”.
11.50-13.20: Lunch
13.20-15.05: Session 5. Historical Epistemology and Technology
13.20-14.10: BENSAUDE-VINCENT, Bernadette (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)
“French Epistemologists’ Perspectives on Nuclear Reactors (1940-1980)”
14.15-15.05: ROUX, Sophie (ENS-PSL, République des Savoirs)
“Science and Technology in Perspectives: Bachelard, Canguilhem, Simondon’’
15.05-15.20: Break
15.20-17.00: General Discussion
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alexisannebraun (8 octobre 2024). Thinking Technical Objects as Epistemological Details. Mathesis. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse