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Helbert Eduardo Velilla Jimenez

Titre de thèse :

« Science and Colonialism:
The mathematization of Natural Philosophy in the policies regarding the Spanish colonization of the New World. »

Directeurs de thèse :
Sophie Roux (ENS) et David Jiménez (USAL)
Cotutelle : Université de Salamanque

Année académique d’inscription :


Résumé :
This project is based on the hypothesis that some Spanish mathematicians, astronomers, and natural philosophers appropriated the problem of incorporating mathematics in natural philosophy in the framework of policies regarding Spanish colonization of the New World, which triggered that their epistemological debates were different from the rest of Europe, namely, this appropriation was based on translations and interpretations of books such as the Sacrobosco’s Sphere or Copernicus’s De Revolutionibus and in the service of technical requirements of the colonization processes.

Mots-clés :
Colonial science, mathematization, certainty of mathematics, natural philosophy, cosmography, astronomical navigation.

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